While reading an article about the NBA playoffs, I found an article about the most expensive basketball shoes ever.......the Nike Lebron X.
The article states that it is over $300. I checked on Nike's official site, they have a couple of different versions ranging from $260 - $320. I agree with the article that charging $300 for a pair of shoes is just ridiculous, but Nike can charge that and still get great sales because of the marketing appeal of star athletes Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, and Kevin Durant. The most marketing Nike had for the Lebron X was when Lebron wore the shoe during the Olympics and during an NBA championship title. Nike has a great marketing campaign strategy........do nothing. Let the shoe sell itself! The article discussed the shoe blogs hyping the new shoe when it launched this past NBA season. Nike has had millions of free advertising by shoe blogs and word of mouth, and it all started just by announcing they are manufacturing the shoe. While I love Nike products and am a loyal customer, I would never buy these shoes because the price is just too high. While they are aimed at elite athletes, they are selling the shoe to everyone. They have created the best hype by any shoe company and they have done it with virtually no specific advertising for the shoe. I think we all love to hate Nike.......but we still buy their products. The article is located here.
Wow that is shocking that people would pay for shoes that expensive. Your right I would never spend that much money on a pair of shoes. A suit? Absolutely that's a good deal but a pair of shoes? That's ridiculous. What do you think is the reasoning for purchasing such expensive shoes for those who do not have much disposable income readily available?