Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Leave your footprint...

So, what are you doing on Tuesday, one week from now? Nothing? Exactly what I thought. Do you feel like helping people out, but you feel like you don’t have the time or would like to pull an effort in order to make it happen? No worries, ladies and gents. Tom’s are hosting a cheritable event on April 16th in order to “bring global awareness to children's health and education by going without shoes”.

The point of this event to create: 

1. Curiosity. When it is obvious you can afford shoes and are not wearing any, people will ask questions.

2. You start talking and you tell people why you are doing it.

3. You show the curious person/persons asking questions a card you have printed out from the website to create awareness or pass it on to them.

4. Change occurs aka. Tom's make a lot of money and goodwill. But you still help people out, right?

If you would like to check it out, here’s a link to the event: http://www.onedaywithoutshoes.com/

There are several different ways to follow through on this, so check it out and join me as I will be doing it!

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